Tooth Decay Alerts: Shocking Secrets Oral Cavity Can’t Hide!

November 30, 2023

Tooth Decay Alerts: Shocking Secrets Oral Cavity Can’t Hide!

Tooth Decay Alerts: Shocking Secrets Oral Cavity Can’t Hide! | Checkout Now!

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Today I want to talk about caries, which is not periodontal disease, but caries is, let’s call it, a more technical name for cavities. Well, what are cavities or caries? Bacteria typically cause acid that demineralizes an area on a tooth, leading to a cavity. Cavities in tooth decay are among the world’s most common health problems, and people don’t know they have them until those cavities start getting deeper.

Tooth Decay Alerts: Shocking Secrets Oral Cavity Can't Hide!

What are some symptoms?

Well, sometimes one has a toothache or tooth sensitivity, small holes in the teeth staining brown or black stains, sensitivity to cold, especially if one has sweets. Sometimes one may suddenly feel discomfort or sensitivity,

Why is that?

That’s because the bacteria that cause the cavity, when they come in contact with sugary foods, suddenly, those foods work as a basis for the acid that those bacteria produce. The acid then causes sensitivity that’s felt almost immediately.

What do we do to prevent or minimize cavities?

Well, a plaque forms on what is a plaque. Plaque is a film that forms around the tooth, particularly between the teeth, and that film has bacteria in it. And those bacteria can break down sugary foods into acids, which then attack the tooth.

How do you prevent cavities?

Well, if you clean really thoroughly and make sure that you remove that plaque, then you remove any bacteria that might be causing the tooth decay. By the way, it’s very interesting. Different organisms often cause tooth decay and periodontal disease. I’ve seen patients that have rampant decay and no periodontal disease, other patients who have rampant periodontal disease teeth are loose, pockets are deep yet no decay. Sometimes they go together, but frequently they’re caused by different organisms, different bacteria, different parasites.

So once it’s starts and those bacteria get into the tooth, it then becomes very difficult to stop the process. Because the bacteria are now inside the tooth. Even though you may be removing the plaque, you can’t get to the bacteria that are now inside the tooth where the hole is, where the decay has occurred. And that’s why, in order to prevent that, it is often necessary to cut out the affected part of the tooth by having a restoration or a filling or a crown. It’s removed completely, and a filling material or a crown is put in to protect and cover that so bacteria can’t get into it anymore.

If the bacteria get far into the tooth and the decay gets far into the tooth, it reaches the nerve. Once the bacteria penetrate deep into the tooth and the decay progresses, it infects the nerve, which is usually when you start to experience the sensation.

Why an Infected Nerve Signals Urgent Dental Treatment

And an infected nerve can be very, very painful to hot, particularly to cold, to biting pressure. And then you will seek treatment because you almost don’t have a choice. In many cases, you simply can’t live with this pain, which is almost a good thing about decay because decay will cause pain. Periodontal disease typically does not cause pain. And by the time you are really aware that there’s something definitely wrong in periodontal disease, it may be too late to save the tooth. But if you have pain from decay, even though the tooth may be, the nerve may be involved, root canal can be done, removing the nerve, putting a filling in there, and saving the tooth.

What can you do to minimize tooth decay?

Well, avoid sugary foods, clean your teeth very thoroughly, eat healthy. Fluoride treatments can be helpful even in adults. Hey, the old saying, see your dentist regularly because these things can go unnoticed. They can be painless initially, and it’s better if you catch them early. So remember, keep your teeth and keep your mouth healthy because if your mouth is healthy, you will be healthier and probably happier.

So we would love to hear from you, questions, comments, subscribe to our YouTube channel. We’d love to hear from you at any rate. Have a good day, restore your smile and your health. Visit to schedule your appointment today.

  1. Can tooth decay be reversed in the oral cavity?

In the early stages, decay can be halted and reversed through remineralization. However, once a cavity forms, it requires dental intervention such as fillings or crowns.

  1. How does diet impact tooth decay in the oral cavity?

A diet high in sugars and carbohydrates contributes to tooth decay. Consuming a balanced diet with limited sugary snacks can help prevent decay in the oral cavity.

  1. Can natural remedies help prevent teeth decay in the oral cavity?

While maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial, some natural remedies like fluoride toothpaste, xylitol, and oil pulling may aid in preventing tooth decay.

  1. Can tooth decay be reversed through oral care practices?

In the early stages, tooth decay can be halted or reversed with proper oral care, including fluoride treatments and improved hygiene. However, advanced decay may require dental restorative procedures.

  1. How is tooth decay different from periodontal disease in the oral cavity?

Decay primarily affects the tooth structure, while periodontal disease involves the gums and supporting structures. They are caused by different bacteria and parasites.

  1. What happens if tooth decay reaches the nerve in the oral cavity?

If decay reaches the nerve, it can cause severe pain and infection. Root canal treatment may be necessary to save the tooth.

  1. Can tooth decay be painless in the oral cavity?

Yes, tooth decay can be painless initially. Regular dental checkups are crucial for early detection before symptoms become evident.

  1. How does fluoride help prevent decay in the oral cavity?

Fluoride strengthens enamel, making it more resistant to acid attacks. Regular fluoride treatments and using fluoridated toothpaste contribute to oral cavity health.

  1. Are there specific foods to avoid to prevent tooth decay in the oral cavity?

Sugary and acidic foods should be limited. A balanced diet rich in calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D promotes oral health and prevents decay.

  1. Can tooth decay lead to other health issues beyond the oral cavity?

There’s evidence linking oral health to overall health. Untreated decay may contribute to systemic health problems, making prevention and treatment crucial.

  1. How often should I see a dentist to maintain oral cavity health and prevent tooth decay?

Regular dental checkups every six months are recommended to detect and address any oral health issues, including early signs of tooth decay.There are numerous birds today, but none of them are as they appear.

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